We are the authors of the trust desirous of creating and establishing a Charitable trust for promoting Education, Social Cultural and Charitable act to help the poor and downtrodden and to ameliorate the living condition of poor, destitute, and weaker section of the society. ANUGRAHA EDUCATION SOCIAL WELFARE TRUST established in 2014 with a noble idea. We all know that without education we are good for nothing in this fast-developing world. Our institution, aim at grooming the students' over all development, good values, knowledge, balance and intuition where the students will develop good values, attitude of service, co-operation, leadership qualities, and excel as responsible citizens in future. Here we request to the State Government, Central Government Departments, NGO’s, Parents & all of you to support the students to choose for Good Education, Technical & Vocational Courses. It is also useful to uplift urban poor through training at the shop floor level and empower them for a bright career opening for them and rural mass, especially downtrodden people for Employment and Self Employment as a social obligation to eradicate unemployment and poverty.

To provide quality education among our students properly, we will create a better world tomorrow. Our institution has providing and will help to provide a quality and objects for which the trust is established to promote and Study Good Education, Technical & Vocational Courses, as well as Technical Training and Educational Institutions. It is resolved to educate orphans and to run a Self-Employment, Technical & Vocational Training Centre, Primary and Other educational institutions in villages and towns.

Centers are established to educate women activities, etc. For the purposes of the Society may mobilize and obtain land donations, funds from the Government and the public and organize educational institutions for the benefit of the public. We have established good relations with Jayaprakash Narayan, Kannada Rajayuva, etc.

To make provision for research, advancement and dissemination of knowledge and to establish Technical Education, Educational institutions, Training Centers, Higher Educational institutions, Vocational Training and Consultancy Service. To establish state of the art facilities for employment for the upliftment of society.

To conduct training, seminars, and research in self-employment, education, health management, vocational, science and arts programmes aimed at completion and fulfillment of the trust goals to enable training, upgrading, and processing of excellence to provide learners more of forthcoming education programs. To create center of excellence for research and development for sharing knowledge and its application.


Imagine the possibilities &
Enroll in Excellence